While oxybate treatments have made a significant impact in treating daytime symptoms,

Twice-nightly dosing may be placing an additional burden on patients1

Two discrete choice experiments (DCEs) evaluating the attributes of hypothetical oxybate treatment illustrate preferences from clinicians who treat narcolepsy and patients with narcolepsy.*

Once-nightly dosing was the most important driver for:

Improving patient quality of life

From the CLINICIAN DCE (n=100)2

Reducing patient anxiety/stress around taking the second dose

Overall product choice

In both of the separate clinician and patient DCE studies1,2

Likelihood of taking exactly as directed

From the PATIENT DCE (n=75)1

Discrete choice experiments

*The clinician and patient DCEs used hypothetical product profiles combining attributes of once- and twice-nightly oxybates in order to evaluate patient and clinician preferences. Responses regarding hypothetical treatment on the DCEs were subjective and not to be used to infer clinical significance.


  1. References: 1. Dubow J, Avidan AY, Corser B, et al. Preferences for attributes of sodium oxybate treatment: a discrete choice experiment in patients with narcolepsy. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2022;16:937-947. 2. Morse AM, Krahn L, Flygare J, et al. Clinician preferences for oxybate treatment for narcolepsy: survey and discrete choice experiment. Adv Ther. 2023;40(7):3199-3216.