Once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ has an extended-release formulation to avoid middle-of-the-night dosing1,2

LUMRYZ delivers therapeutic exposure over the course of patients’ nocturnal sleep period.2

Graph showing that LUMRYZ delivered therapeutic exposure over the course of patients’ nocturnal sleep period Graph showing that LUMRYZ delivered therapeutic exposure over the course of patients’ nocturnal sleep period

© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

The phase 1 study was designed to evaluate the relative bioavailability, safety, and tolerability of LUMRYZ compared to twice-nightly sodium oxybate.2

This study found similar geometric least squares mean concentration at ~8 hours after the first and only dose of LUMRYZ, compared to 8 hours after the first dose of twice-nightly sodium oxybate when the second dose is given 4 hours later.2

Bogan study designpop up icon

Each premeasured packet contains a proprietary blend of immediate-release and controlled-release granules1,3

Each premeasured packet of LUMRYZ contains a proprietary blend of immediate-release granules with a drug-loaded layer and neutral core, and controlled-release granules with a coating, drug-loaded layer, and neutral core

GHB, gamma-hydroxybutyrate; SE, standard error.


  1. References: 1. LUMRYZ (sodium oxybate for extended-release oral suspension). Prescribing Information. Chesterfield, MO: Avadel Pharmaceuticals. 2. Bogan R, Thorpy MJ, Winkelman JW, et al. Randomized, crossover, open-label study of the relative bioavailability and safety of FT218, a once-nightly sodium oxybate formulation: phase 1 study in healthy volunteers. Sleep Med. 2022;100:442-447. 3. Kushida CA, Shapiro CM, Roth T, et al. Once-nightly sodium oxybate (FT218) demonstrated improvement of symptoms in a phase 3 randomized clinical trial in patients with narcolepsy. Sleep. 2022;45(6):1-11.