LUMRYZ is a central nervous system depressant indicated for the treatment of cataplexy or excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in patients 7 years of age and older with narcolepsy.1

Major Contribution to Patient Care2 - FDA, October 2024

What patients are saying about LUMRYZ

"Once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ for me means I go to sleep and the only thing I have to think of is what I’m going to be doing the next day. I’m not falling asleep in the morning, so I like to make myself breakfast and drive to class."

—Katie, living with NT2, treating with LUMRYZ

Hear from patients on LUMRYZ

Katie was compensated by Avadel Pharmaceuticals
to share her story. Individual results may vary.

LUMRYZ is once at bedtime, for their daytime1

The first and only single-dose sodium oxybate for patients 7 years of age and older with narcolepsy to help provide daytime symptom control of EDS and cataplexy1

Established safety and demonstrated efficacy across 3 co-primary endpoints (MWT, CGI-I, weekly cataplexy attacks) and select secondary endpoint (ESS)3 Explore efficacy
Delivers treatment throughout the course of a nocturnal sleep period1,3,4 See how it works
Premeasured packets contain a full therapeutic dose1 Discover once-at-
bedtime dosing
RYZUP Support Services dedicated to helping your patients and your office. LUMRYZ is covered for more than 90% of commercially insured patients (all national plans).5 Getting your patients started

Help improve their daytime symptoms with a single-dose sodium oxybate.1

Switch or start your patients on the appropriate dose of LUMRYZ.

Switch or start

Are you REMS-certified?

As with other sodium-oxybate treatments, you must be Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) certified in order to prescribe LUMRYZ.

Ready to start patients on LUMRYZ?

Enrolling patients in the LUMRYZ REMS and RYZUP Support Services is required to ensure your patients receive LUMRYZ as prescribed. What to expect
when getting started

CGI-I, Clinical Global Impression-Improvement; ESS, Epworth Sleepiness Scale; MWT, Maintenance of Wakefulness Test; NT2, narcolepsy type 2.


  1. References: 1. LUMRYZ (sodium oxybate for extended-release oral suspension). Prescribing Information. Chesterfield, MO: Avadel Pharmaceuticals. 2. US Food and Drug Administration. Clinical superiority findings. Accessed October 16, 2024. 3. Kushida CA, Shapiro CM, Roth T, et al. Once-nightly sodium oxybate (FT218) demonstrated improvement of symptoms in a phase 3 randomized clinical trial in patients with narcolepsy. Sleep. 2022;45(6):1-11. 4. Bogan R, Thorpy MJ, Winkelman JW, et al. Randomized, crossover, open-label study of the relative bioavailability and safety of FT218, a once-nightly sodium oxybate formulation: phase 1 study in healthy volunteers. Sleep Med. 2022;100:442-447. 5. Avadel, Data on file.